Julia Twenty Somethings Uncategorized

French Class

I am looking for a French class in the city. I miss the language and for someone who prided herself on becoming fluent in French- is showcasing abysmal skills these days. Maybe my big decision will just be to blow all the money (not paying rent, looking for a change in career) I save on a teeny tiny flat in Paris and the cost of a month long language immersion class. Do I dare?

…”peut-être, peut-être non.”


Fixing Stuff Samuel

Fixing wordpress hard coded image links to work with S3

This is a follow up post to my earlier one about  setting wordpress to server images from amazon s3


Again please excuse the lack of polish on this, its mainly meant for my reference later.  Also shout out to my buddy Cool Brian for coming through with this little tweak:

To fix the auto trader theme from showing local image urls we altered the following file in wp-content/themes/autotrader-parent/offer-views/side-left.php

we made the following chagnes:

// alter image URL to use S3 bucket
$temp = parse_url($attachment->guid);
$new_url = “”.$temp[‘path’];

$slider_images[] = array(
‘id’            => $attachment->ID,
‘title’         => apply_filters(‘the_title’, $attachment->post_title),
‘order’         => $attachment->menu_order,
‘img_full’      => $new_url

Inspirational Samuel

Reminder To Myself

On days where I put my nutrition and fitness as the first priority ‘m happiest,  I am more productive & I seem to enjoy all aspects of life more.

Fixing Stuff Samuel

Serving Media/Image Files from Amazon S3

If you have been struggling to server your wordpress media/image files from Amazon S3 hopefully this basic explanation will help you out.  I apologize for the simplicity of this example, this post is mainly meant for my own use later so I have a record of how to set this up:


Download and manually install via FTP the following plugins

amazon web services plugin
amazon s3 cloudfront plugin

-install both plugins (upload manually, then activate in wp admin)
-create an IAM user on EC2, give user permissions of “AmazonS3FullAccess” (download the id Key and secret key, then add to wp-config.php)
-create an S3 bucket either through the AWS console, or select option in s3 plugin to create a new bucket
-check the first 3 options on the s3 plugin to
           -copy files to s3 as they are uploaded
           -point file urls to s3 once it has been copied to s3
           -remove uploaded file from local filesystem once uploaded to s3


Once completed any new media/images uploaded through the WP backend section will automatically be saved in your specified amazon S3 bucket

Julia Twenty Somethings

Decisions decisions

For the first time since freshman year of college (when I lived in the dorms) I am not tied to a year-long lease or living in a house with all of my things around me. Everything I own is sitting, hopefully not broken after a rough move, in a 5.5X7 ft. storage unit for a mere $75/month. I am taking full advantage of a generous family member and living in their furnished (people-free) apartment and I have some decisions to make!

Its been equally thrilling/depressing/terrifying/hopeful to be in this place where I feel the need to make some more big changes:

  1. Should I discuss with my relative about living in their apartment long enough to make it through the big work event/project I am in the middle of planning (comes to fruition in mid-November) and then quit/travel/come back to find a new job?
  2. Should I plan to move back home to St. Louis and find a job working as a counselor – finally using my degree as I originally intended?
  3. Should I look for a place of my own in this city and move in next month or the one after that; and look for work as a counselor here?
  4. Should I get through the work event/project thing and then move to Denver?

The commonality here is that I am definitely looking to get back to my roots in terms of the kind of work I am doing. I have learned a lot here over the year, some of that being that event planning and marketing is not really my passion. even if its for an organization with a great cause. Also common among all of these options is remembering I am an adult and planning my student loan payments out (finally consolidated) and keeping up my obligations to the 3 sets of doctors I will have appointments with over the next 6 months – and what planning that around leaving the city for a short time or forever would mean.

I was talking to an acquaintance about the paralyzing factor to feeling like all possible choices are sitting out before you and nothing is off limits. Its funny to know that even people I don’t know that well also feel this way. But I am working on just being observant. Looking around and seeing if a job option really speaks to me; doing some research about where I could travel and live cheap for a few months and what I could spend my time doing should I go down that path. And appreciating my insane fortune to have a family that loves me and is willing to put me up in a home, no questions asked.