Fixing Stuff Samuel

Fixing Image Not Supported Message On Shomi Digitial Picture Frame

We recently purchased a Shomi digital picture frame and were struggling with a bunch of the images showing as “image not support”.  And yes I found it funny they didn’t spell “supported” correctly.   Anyway to fix this problem you need to “re-save” every image that has location data on it. For example if you downloaded the image from facebook, or sent it from your cell phone its likely that the image has location data on it.


Luckily The fix for this is really easy, you just need to open the image and save a new copy. You don’t need to crop it or anything, you just need to save a new copy that does not have location data on it.  Once you have that, load this new image onto the digital picture frame and bask in the glory of your great picture (and that you solved the problem).


**If you have a lot of images that you need to “re-save” consult my previous post on how to automate batch saving images in photoshop (just don’t do the cropping portion of this post):



Inspirational Samuel

a collection of songs that can change your mood

One of my favorite things to do is consult my folder of songs when I’m in a bad mood or frustrated and just slip off into the melody/lyrics of a truly great song.  Its amazing what a great song can do for you current mood, and in turn your day as a whole.  My list in no particular order is:


Fixing Stuff Samuel

Getting WordPress To Submit Emails From SES

Ok so by default wordpress seems to have a lot of issues sending contact forms, and all notifications when its installed on an EC2 instance.  The guide below is a quick reference on how to setup wordpress to use Amazon’s SES (simple email solution).


1.) download the SES plugin:

2.) upload the files to your EC2 instance (or instances)

3.) login to wp admin and activate plugin config settings are “settings > wp ses”

4.) sender email must be validates in amazon SES prior to activating plugin
EC2 console > SES email sending service > verified senders > email addresses > verify a new email address

5.) create new IAM user and download access_key & secret key
EC2 console > IAM > users > create new > downlaod acces/secret keys > attach user policy > “amazon SES FUll Access”
*new “amazon ses full access” in order for plugin to work

open wp-config.php file and define any of the following that you want too:

// From mail (optionnal) must be an amazon SES validated email // hard coded email, leave empty or comment out to allow custom setting via panel define(‘WP_SES_FROM’,’me@….’);

// Return path for bounced emails (optionnal) // hard coded email, leave empty or comment out to allow custom setting via panel define(‘WP_SES_RETURNPATH’,’return@….’);

// ReplyTo (optionnal) – This will get the replies from the recipients. // hard coded email, or ‘headers’ for using the ‘replyto’ from the headers. // Leave empty or comment out to allow custom setting via panel define(‘WP_SES_REPLYTO’,’headers’);

// Hide list of verified emails (optionnal) define(‘WP_SES_HIDE_VERIFIED’,true);

// Hide SES Stats panel (optionnal) define(‘WP_SES_HIDE_STATS’,true);