Fixing Stuff Samuel

setting up Mod Deflate

We had an odd issue setting up Mod Deflate on one of our servers this week. It turns out in order to activate compression on our php/html pages we needed to add a line in our .htaccess file to explicitly prevent gif, jpg, and png images from being compressed). I’m still not 100% sure why this worked, but the code that got all of our pages to compress is copied below:

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$" no-gzip

Samuel Thoughts

Current Meal Plan

Glass of warm water with lemon. 3 scrambled eggs. Ground Turkey. 1 Slice Ezekiel Bread w/generous helping of kerrygold butter, Vitamin.

Green Drink

Snack: handful of Cashews.

Lunch: Fajita bol (cauliflower rice, peppers, onions, steak, tomato salsa, Greek yogurt, guacamole, spinach).

Snack: roasted carrots

Dinner: Fajita bol (cauliflower rice, peppers, onions, steak, tomato salsa, Greek yogurt, guacamole, spinach)

Snack: protein drink

Optional: Place ice pack on neck/shoulders for 20 minutes while watching TV in the evening to lower core body temperature and make it easier to fall asleep.

6 days following meal plan, 1 day eating whatever you want then repeat
Steak = grass fed beef.
Veggies = organic veggies.
Eggs = free range organic.
Traveling = Qdoba or Chipotle and order Fajita bowl for lunch & dinner w/same ingredients