Samuel Thoughts

Not Sure

Have a strange relationship to smoking weed. Growing up never did it, did not smoke at all until I was about 31 years old. I’m not sure when it started happening, but I smoked a handful of times and somewhere along the line I realized I can control my mind more when I smoke.

I’ve always heard the line that we can only control 10 or 12% of our brains, or something like that. And I’m not saying when I smoke I jump to 95% control and I’m rain man solving math problems in my head, but it does feel like maybe I jump up to 16% or maybe 18% control.

I can more or less fully control my focus, what I think about. Normally I can’t really control the lazer focus of my mind. If I can get lazer focused on something, I can usually solve that thing. But typically ideas come floating into my head and that is not really fully under my control. I have to jump on the idea I want to work on once it comes into my head if that makes since. I also have to write ideas down if I want to have any chance of remembering them.

But when I smoke its like boom, I choose what I want to think about. I still need to write the ideas down to remember them long term, but it gets burned into my mind more. Let’s say an idea is generally in my mind for 5 or 6 minutes, but if I smoke I probably have of 5 or 6 hours to write it down – it slows my mind down in that way. I can also choose to control my thinking fully, can block everything else out, can block out literally the rest of the world, I don’t actually see my surroundings. Which this is something I kinda love, and also kinda hate. It is pretty hard to get into this focused zone 100% sober, and when I don’t get into this focused zone I’m never fully happy with the work I complete because I know it can be done better if I fully focused on it.

So then that leads me back to wondering like ok, is weed bad for me or is it good for me. I don’t think ultimately it is a question that can be answered. On the one hand, I don’t really have any bad side effects from smoking. I’d say realistically I smoke like a tiny amount compared to other people, but still for me it just “feels” like it might not be right. I’m not sure if a lot of that is do to misinformation from when I was younger going through a system like DARE.

I can say when I’m 100% sober for lets say 3 or 4 days, and by 100% sober I mean zero cafeene, zero cannibus, zero alcohol – I definitely do physically feel the best and I get the best sleep according to my sleep tracker. But it’s also undeniable that I perform better if I take cafeen via cofee, and take 1 or two puffs of a vaporizer weed pen every day or two.

And another thing to consider is my performance at work when I smoke, it is much higher. I have always felt that I have a pretty solid mind – but definitely not some generational mind. And when your trying to create an online software platform you are competing with everyone in the entire world. It’s like thinking you are good at golf and then going to play a round on the PGA. There are some intellectual freaks in the world! When I smoke and can fully control my mind, it definitely helps me compete in this extremely competitive online world

Samuel Thoughts

I Stopped To Appreciate Mother Nature Today

It has been a long time since I really stopped and tried to fully appreciate Mother Nature, but I did today and there was a really funny thing that caused it.

It was a beautiful day, went for a Full Stroll through the hill with Ellen & Nara which was delightful, and the yearly hill wine walk was going on, which was fantastic. We also stopped and talked with Uncle Frank + some friends who live on the hill + some cousins that were in town – we saw a lot of great people and enjoyed the amazing weather, but non of that is what triggered the focused view at mother nature.

Once we got home I looked out our window and there was a bee, just hovering there. I watched him for a bit, then walked over to another window, and there was a bee hovering there too….. wait what – thats strange. I watched these bees for a while, and realized – oh shit they are trying to find their hive. We had an exterminator come last year and exterminate this massive bee hive. It was really a sad situation, we didn’t want to kill the bees, we wanted to get someone to come find the queen and move her and have the hive follow her. But it was not possible, the hive was inside of the walls in our house, literally inside an exterior brick wall. To get the queen out we would have had to demolish an entire load bearing brick wall – so yea not going to do that. So we called an exterminator and he exterminated the colony.

Now its the next spring and seems like bees are back from somewhere looking for that colony, or possible to make a new colony in our house – lol which not great…. but I mean I’m not scared. The had previously gotten in because the concrete caulking in a window had washed out. But over the last year I concreted caulked the windows and sills on ally 87 windows on the building!!! I know for almost 99% sure that I got all of them, so there is no way for them to get back into the wall…. nice try fuckers 🙂

But yea, that really got me thinking about how amazing this planet is – we have built elaborate shelters for ourselves as we have evolved, so we don’t spend all that much time actually in nature – which is understandable, in dead of winter or heat of summer – its usually pretty unpleasant to be outside lol.

Fixing Stuff Laravel Samuel

Fixing Stuck Forge Deployment

We had a forge deployment get stuck today, took a little searching around but the fix actually ended up being super easy. From the forge dashboard select the self-help drop down -> reset deployment state:

Thats pretty much it, your deployment should stop, and you can look into what was causing the issue. In our case it ended up being incorrect DB credentials in our .env file

Samuel Sass

Installing Tailwind CSS In Our WordPress Theme

Using these documents:

Step 1: Navigate to the child theme directory then run

#The command below is from tailwind docs but it gives an error message:

npm install -D tailwindcss

#Can use this command instead and it runs correctly:

yarn add -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest

This gives us an error message of:


To Fix This we can either open up package.json and change the auto prefixer version ro 10.0.2 or we can run update our command to run:

yarn add -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest

#If you want to just change auto prefixer version and then re run the npm install you can update this line:

"autoprefixer": "^10.0.2",

Step 2: Creating tailwind config file, run:

npx tailwindcss init

This creates the file tailwind.config.js. We need to add this code to that file:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  purge: [],
  darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  variants: {},
  plugins: [],

#old can remove later if the above works.... We need to tell this file where to look for reference to tailwind divs that we have created so we add

content: [

Now we have to create the file postcss.config.js -> just copy the tailwindconfig.js file and rename it then replace the contents with:

// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    tailwindcss: {},
    autoprefixer: {},

Now we need to create a new tailwind.scss file -> import this file from frontend.scss -> turn on yarn watch -> then finally add the tailwind imports to this file and have it compile. So to do this

  • copy frontend.scss -> rename it to tailwindcss.scss
  • delete the contents of the file
  • open up frontend.scss and add @import tailwindscss to the first line
  • turn on yarn watch
  • add in the tailwind imports below to tailwindcss.scss file and it will automatically run through the compiler
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Now we are going to add in support for nesting in Sass/Tailwind. To do this we will run:

yarn add -D postcss-nested

That creates a file called postcss.config.js and we will add the following lines to that file

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

Now we will run yarn add gulp and then navigate to our child theme directory and run yarn watch

Development Fixing Stuff Samuel WordPress

Fixing Laravel Forge No input file specified

We decided to try and setup WordPress on a Laravel Forge account today, we got everything all setup, pulled up the site and saw this ugly white error screen that read:

No input file specified

As far as errors go it’s not the most useful one. Nothing showed in the logs, after spinning my wheels on this for a while this ended up being very easy to fix, just follow the steps below:

  • Login to your forge account
  • Navigate to the site you are working on
  • Click the Meta tab
  • Change the Web Directory from /Public to /
    • it ends up looking like this

Fixing Stuff Mac Samuel

Updating Mac Hosts File

  1. open iTerm and type sudo nano /etc/hosts
  2. enter in password
  3. Type in the TCP/IP address
  4. Press the Tab key
  5. Type the domain name
  6. Save the file by pressing Ctrl + O (zero)
  7. Exit with Ctrl + X

— Update —

Just add this to your .aliases file so you can open up terminal and type hosts like our buddy Jeffry 🙂

alias hosts=”sudo nano /etc/hosts”