Fixing Stuff Samuel

Fixing FlashFXP Site Import Error

If you are like me and just re-formatted your computer and are getting the following error from FlashFXP never fear I just found a fix and its pretty simple. Error in question:

An Unexpected error occured while saving your application data. Your Changes have not been saved. Please restart FlashFXP. E2 = C:\ProgramData\FlashFXP\5\schedule.dat


To fix this error do the following:

1.) open up my computer and navigate to C:\ProgramData\FlashFXP\5\ (please note the folder ProgramData may not be visible, it was not on my computer. Just type it directly in the nav bar to get there).

2.) delete the file schedule.dat (do this when flash fxp is closed)

3.) open up flashfxp, the file should be re-generated and the error message should no longer pop up.