Laravel Samuel

Initial Laravel Setup Checklist

This post is merely a checklist reminder for myself and not meant to be a tutorial. If you are looking for a tutorial on setting up laravel for the first time please go to:


    1. install laravel 5 via composer (composer createproject laravel/laravel preferdist)
    2. make deploy script for server (chmod +x script after uploading it)
    3. connect server to repo with deploy keys
    4. clone repo onto production server manually
    5. create symlink to public folder of laravel
    6. install composer in laravel directory
    7. create database
    8. define DB creds in .env file

Thats all the needed steps for getting a laravel siteĀ configured on the server.


1.) To allow the server to connect to the Code Base repo we need to run (cd ~/.ssh). Then run (cat and copy the pub key file (control + insert + c to copy from terminal)ā€¦ maximize the SSH terminal window if getting invalid key warning from CB, spacing seem to effect this. (If no file present run ssh-keygen). Next step is login to CB, hit the repos page, then hit the gear icon > deployment keys > ad new ssh key > past key into this window and save.

2.) When you upload your deploy script file, to give it proper permissions to execute we need to run (chmod +x script-name)

3.) To create our symlink path to the public folder we want to run:
ln -s /home/user/git/repo-name/public /home/user/public_html/public_html

or if you want to install laravel in a subfolder you can run:
ln -s /home/user/git/project/repo-name/public /home/user/public_html/directory/folder-name

-you must delete the public_html folder if its is already present, most systems will make this folder by default when the account is created.
-you must include the full file path, including /home/username if your are on cpanel