Fixing Stuff Samuel Technology

Changing Host File In Windows 7

This is simply a reminder post to myself because I always have trouble finding this file.  To update host file in windows 7 navigate to:


From there just double click the host file and input a url in the following format

IP address

This is really useful for testing website code once you have moved it from your local server onto your production server without actually needed to update the DNS of the domain and potentially sending live visitors to a broken site.

Samuel Technology

Hosting wordpress on multiple Amazon EC2 instances

I just wanted to do a quick tutorial on a solution to a problem that I recently had.  We are hosting a wordpress site on 3 amazon EC2 instances, this was causing an issue where the local files of each server were getting out of sync when someone made an edit in the wordpress admin (installed a new plugin, uploaded an image ect….). This article is as much of a resource for future use for myself so please pardon the lack of polish.


Programs used:


wamp server:

I started by hosting the wordpress site locally on my wamp server.  I’m going to leave out how to setup wamp server, a great resource for that is (setting up wamp server).  Any changes/updates to the site are first made on the local dev environment and then with rsync are pushed to the 3 EC2 instances.  So lets get into the rsync setup and commands:

1.) Install cywyn (note make sure to install rsync and ssh packages)  Use the search bar in the top right and search rsync and ssh when installing, then make sure to click the + sign and click the actual package name so that the words “skip” are removed.

2.) create a sync file and save it as a shell file in C:\cygwin64\home\your-username\  The sync file I used is shown below, you will need to replace with your local computer info and remote server info:

rsync -avz /cygdrive/c/wamp/www/youre-file-name/ your-user-name@SERVER-IP:/path-to-your-public-html

3.) open up cgwyn and run the following commands:

    chmod +x

and then you can run


Thats it, if successful you will get asked if you trust the remote server (only on first login) and you will also need the remote server password

Samuel Technology

How To Get Rid Of Internet Ads (Including Ads on Youtube)

One thing that I really despise is when people or services interrupt me.  Some of the biggest offenders in this category are online ads.  A great little tool that does a really good job of fixing this is Ad Block Plus.  This browser extension is available for all major browsers including chrome and firefox…. you shouldn’t be using IE anyway unless you are forced too.

Once you install it you can use this powerful extension to completely remove ads on facebook and  youtube (or any site you want too).  You can also tweak the settings to help prevent websites from tracking your browser sessions and your overall internet history in general.  Another great feature is you can allow certain types of ads, or ads from certain websites… gasps why would you want to do that?  Simple, your favorite blog/news/entertainment site is only around because it sells ad space.  If you like a website enough to support it, you should then add it to the Ad Block white list so you will see their ads.

Alternative Energy Technology

Palm Springs Wind Mill Farm

This past weekend I went to the Palm Springs Wind Mill Farm with my Father and older sister….. it was amazing!

In general I love alternative energy more than the average bear. More accurately I’ve been obsessed with learning all that I can about how solar panels and wind mills work since as long as I can remember. At some point in my life I plan on owning large scale wind generators and possibly a large scale solar power plant (provided that I can figure out how to build a more efficient solar panel).

One thing that gets lost on most people (me included) is just how large these wind mills are:

view from about 100 feet away
view from about 100 feet away

As you can see from the image above these turbines are massive. Each blade weighs 8 metric tons (a metric tone is 240 pounds heaver than our version). With such a big blade they are able to turn an astonishingly large gear (average gear box weighs 45,000 pounds). Turning such a large gear allows the turbines to generate impressive amounts of power. The turbines at Palm Springs are some of the largest in the world, and currently the major limiting factor to their size is actually our interstate system. Our turbins have outgrown our interstate system, all of the parts must be small enough to be shipped under an overpass which limits them to under 14 feet 3 inches. There are plans to build even larger turbines at offshoar facilities like the the cap cod wind mill farm

Some Stats about the Palm Springs Farm and wind power in general:

-there are over 2,800 mills in operation at palm springs farm, with an average 98% up time. That stat is a little confusing though, it just means that the turbines are in service 98% of the time, not that they are generating power 98% of the time. In fact the wind is blowing hard enough for the turbines to generate power only 38% of the time.
-the new generation wind turbines can generate enough power to run 900 average house holds
-the obama administration commited the us to a goal of generating 20% of our nations power from wind by 2030 (a great goal that I think should be made even more ambitions)
-1 service technician services on average 10 wind mills per month (think there will be some job grown in this sector?? currently we generate less than 2% of our power from wind, upping this to 20% will create several hundred thousand jobs in this sector)
-1 wind mill can generate more power than 500 typical solar panels
-the largest GE turbines at palm springs cost 6 million dollars to build and assemble


Benefits of encrypting your web traffic

With all of the revaluations about the NSA (insert any number of articles)  I thought it would be a good idea to touch on the benefits of using a VPN service.  Now before you stop reading this article because “your not doing anything wrong so who cares if they are looking at your internet traffic” let me quickly explain several other cool uses for encrypting your traffic, and also tell you why you should care even that anyone is looking at your private data (even if you don’t break the law!)

Normal everyday uses for VPN:

-circumvent local sports blackouts and watch your favorite sports team online while saving tons of money on your cable bill.

-protect your laptop/smartphone/tablet while you are connected from a public hotspots

-stop online companies from capturing your web browsing trends and advertising to you + selling your likes/interests to data mining companies who in turn direct market to you (think spam snail mail)

-stop companies, and the government from spying on you!

There are tons of companies out there that offer solid VPN services.  At the end of the day its kind of a crap shoot weather or not they really store you internet logs (companies in the US are very likely to be forced into compiling with the NASA to turn over logs/store info about users).  For that reason my VPN company of choice is Viper VPN.  They “own” all of their infrastructure, and they are based in Switzerland. Very far from the long arm of the US spy machine.

Setting up the VPN is about as easy as it gets. You download their local client for your machine (they cover all major operating systems including windows, android, IOS, and linux).  From their you can set the program to start when windows boots up and your connection will forever be encrypted.

This is not a fool proof method, and yes if someone as powerful as the US government wants to reach your silly emails and texts they will figure out a way to do it.  However that does not mean we should make it easier for our rights to be trampled on.  It might sound silly, and like I am up on a soap box here but collectively as a society, we in the US are as “free” from government tyranny  as any society in the history of the earth has ever been.   There is a shift happening in the social consciousness of our country that it is “ok” to loose “some” of our rights in order to be better protected from terrorism.  If we continue down the current path we are going to severely regress as a nation in terms of the freedom to live our lives, and we will loose all notion of privacy….. like the great MLK once said:

If I lived in China or Russia or any totalitarian country maybe I could understand the denial of certain basic 1’st amendment privileges because they haven’t committed themselves to that over there. But somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly.  Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech.  Somewhere I read of the freedom of press.  SOMEWHERE I READ that the greatness of America is the right to protest for rights!







First Post

This is the first post on our new blog… not really I’ll delete this a make a cooler one later.