Samuel Thought Experiment

Download Consciousness – A Thought Experiment

If we live long enough that we can download our consciousness into a computer, would we then take our consciousness and build another body for it, or would we create a simulation that our mind could live in without the need for a body? If we put our mind into a simulation, would we erase our memory so that we broke up the monotony of living eternally? Once in the simulation would we provide mind altering drugs inside the game, that let us temporarily escape and access the real world outside of the game? Once we died in our simulation would we then meet our real original consciousness and decide if we wanted to play another simulated “life” or stay back in our real world for a while?

2 replies on “Download Consciousness – A Thought Experiment”

Did you watch Years and Years on HBO? Because that is one of the storylines. You should check it out.

Just saw your comment, ha! Thanks for the recommendation, I’ve never seen that! I just randomly thought of this post while playing chess with Ellen a few nights ago haha

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