Samuel Thought Experiment

Gov Policy Thought Experiment

My ideal presidential candidate’s platform in order of importance:

#1: End all foreign wars.  Close every single foreign base that we currently have. Bring every single troop currently deployed back to US soil. Take 50% of the money that we save and let the Military spend it on continuing to develop military technology and weapons.  Take the other 50% and spend it domestically on social programs to help our citizens.  Meet with leaders from all communities and figure out how to spend this $ to maximize its effectiveness.

#2: End the war on drugs.  Abolish the DEA.  Take 100% of the money saved and spend it on drug treatment, & mental health treatment options.

#3: Government Project: Similar to the space race, we will issue a decree. The United States will get 100% of its power from renewable sources within the next 10 years.  The new power company that will be created as part of this will be government owned.  It will provide power to all citizens free of charge.  It will bill all businesses standard rates to pay for its operating expenses.

#4: All public school funding for each state will be divided evenly among ALL schools. Currently schools in wealthy neighborhoods have way more funding than schools in poor neighborhoods.  This is unjust, and it will end.

                A sub item of funding, all billing and office administrative tasks for all the small municipalities in every major city will go through 1 central billing office.  Every city in the US currently has 50+ small municipalities that have their own admin staff which creates excessive administrative bloat, and massive government waste.

#5: Updated Policing: The police will now operate like the fire department.  They will come when called, they will not give speeding tickets or patrol around “looking for fires”. If they are needed and wanted they will be called, when called specially trained units will be dispatched based on the type of 911 call. Our current model is broken, we should not be sending officers with guns to mental health welfare checks.

Samuel Thought Experiment Thoughts

The Mind is Facinating

If you are trying to get your way with something petty. Take for example you want to watch the new show with Steve carrell about astronots on netflix. But your spouce wants to watch something else. Instead of getting in an argument about it, try the aloof approach forst. First bring up the idea incorrectly. Say something like: hey didn’t we want to watch a new show on Netflix? Spouce will think for a second and say something like: hmmmm maybe? Then you will give a main characters name: oh I think Steve carrell was in it maybe, can you look it up to see if he is in anything new? Spouce looks it up and then says the name: oh it’s X show. If your lucky she will say the exact phrase that you are wanting: oh we wanted to watch x show. But if spouce doesn’t say it incorrectly: ohhhh we wanted to watch X show (just mispronounce a part of it badly). Hopefully spouce will then reply: no we wanted to watch X show!

now you are in Business. The human mind is a weird thing. Once someone says a phrase, they seem to be wayyyyyyy more likely to agree to whatever that phrase is. Ever so slightly it seems to plant the thought, maybe even subconsciously that the idea was there’s. I know that sounds so simplistic, but I’ve experienced it many times. And before you sckof go ahead and try it. Just so it with something trivial, you really should never do this on anything meaningful because you have to let people you love make up their own minds without trying to coehece anytype of agreement of behaviour out of them. But when your in a business setting, where there is much more gray area in terms of how you can steer or not steer a situation so that you get the desired outcome, then to me in those types of situations it is much more acceptable to implement this kind of technique. The only reason I even used the spouce example instead of starting with the business one is because it’s best to try this out and refine your technique a bit before you attempt this with strangers or Ina setting with higher stakes.

i also want to add, before anyone rushes to judgment about me in their mind due to this somewhat tricky idea. The main way I found this out is through being not great at talking to strangers. When your talking to a new person, it always seems beat to pretend to not be as knowledgeable as them. You come off like a much better person, and it’s much easier to make friends that way. If you do actually know questions and ideas about subjects they like, it causes a little bit of friction. If you can let them “teach” you about things, it seems to form a much quicker bond. And then instead of working harder to show people that you are a good and nice person, who just reads a lot and has a wide range of interest, thus a pretty wide range of knowledge. You can just be yourself after that intiail first encounter or two and your off to the races becoming closer to a new person who might become a cool part of your life going forward.

Samuel Thought Experiment

Download Consciousness – A Thought Experiment

If we live long enough that we can download our consciousness into a computer, would we then take our consciousness and build another body for it, or would we create a simulation that our mind could live in without the need for a body? If we put our mind into a simulation, would we erase our memory so that we broke up the monotony of living eternally? Once in the simulation would we provide mind altering drugs inside the game, that let us temporarily escape and access the real world outside of the game? Once we died in our simulation would we then meet our real original consciousness and decide if we wanted to play another simulated “life” or stay back in our real world for a while?

Thought Experiment

Everything Were Doing Today Might Not Matter In 10 Years – A Thought Experiment

This is a thought experiment that I find extremely helpful. It allows me to not take myself or my work too seriously. It also empowers me to not feel the need to grind myself day in and day out, to be productive and contribute to society. Not to say that I don’t want to do those things, but ultimately I understand and accept that everything we do, everything that humans have done since the beginning of our existence, might not matter.

The scenario: Earth is hit by an asteroid 10 years from now. We can’t avoid it, we cant do anything to stop it. The entire human race is wiped out…. I know a bummer of a thought right!

With that thought in mind its important to not demand too much of yourself. It’s ok if you spend an entire day drinking and flirting and talking with someone you love. It’s ok if you don’t get up early and attack the day. It’s completely fine if you don’t get anything on your to-do list done but instead crush a workout and then spend the rest of the day just sitting quietly and contemplating a thought or an idea. You don’t need to schedule activities for yourself every day. You don’t owe the world around you anything, other than to be kind to everyone you see today.

The rushed/hurried pace that most of society lives with is not necessary.