Thought Experiment

Everything Were Doing Today Might Not Matter In 10 Years – A Thought Experiment

This is a thought experiment that I find extremely helpful. It allows me to not take myself or my work too seriously. It also empowers me to not feel the need to grind myself day in and day out, to be productive and contribute to society. Not to say that I don’t want to do those things, but ultimately I understand and accept that everything we do, everything that humans have done since the beginning of our existence, might not matter.

The scenario: Earth is hit by an asteroid 10 years from now. We can’t avoid it, we cant do anything to stop it. The entire human race is wiped out…. I know a bummer of a thought right!

With that thought in mind its important to not demand too much of yourself. It’s ok if you spend an entire day drinking and flirting and talking with someone you love. It’s ok if you don’t get up early and attack the day. It’s completely fine if you don’t get anything on your to-do list done but instead crush a workout and then spend the rest of the day just sitting quietly and contemplating a thought or an idea. You don’t need to schedule activities for yourself every day. You don’t owe the world around you anything, other than to be kind to everyone you see today.

The rushed/hurried pace that most of society lives with is not necessary.