Fixing Stuff Samuel

Fixing Joomla PHP Temporary Folder Is Not Set Error

Today we had a client’s Joomla website that needed to be upgraded. The site was running a very old version of Joomla v-3.6.4. The client needed it upgraded to at least v.3.6.5. When we started to do this we ran into the error message:

The php temporary folder is not set

To start the update we clicked on the “update now” button in the Joomla admin screen. We went through the normal update process however we were hit with the error message:

the archive file is corrupt, truncated or achieve parts are missing joomla update

So in order to get around this we went to the Joomla 3 update package history list which can be found here:

From that page we selected our 3.6.5 package, downloaded it and then we went to Global Configuation -> Server -> Path to Temp Folder. In that box we put the full path to the temp folder on the server. We found the full path by logging into the cpanel account and navigating to files manager, and then drilling all the way down to the tmp folder. In our case the path to the temp folder was:


*You will want to replace username and site-folder-name above with your sites username and main folder name. That will take care of the error message about the tmp folder not being set.

Once you have your tmp folder set, now go to the normal update screen, click the upload and update tab & then select your the update zip file you downloaded in the earlier step above and your off to the races.