Fixing Stuff Samuel

Fixing Layout In WordPress Simple Lightbox Plugin

The WordPress plugin “Simple Lightbox” is a great plugin that we use from time to time on website to allow for a nice Lightbox effect on image galleries. We ran into an issue today where the lightbox was displaying very far down the page, the fix for this is documented below:

Open up the file:

wp-content->plugins->simple-lightbox->themes->default->sass-> style.css

**Note** this file writes to:
 wp-content->plugins->simple-lightbox->themes->default->css-> style.css

So if you don't have gulp watch installed/running then you will want to edit this file directly as this is the file that is used for actual page styling.

With the correct file open you will want to make the following change:

.slb_viewer_layout {
top: 20px !important;