Samuel Thought Experiment

Gov Policy Thought Experiment

My ideal presidential candidate’s platform in order of importance:

#1: End all foreign wars.  Close every single foreign base that we currently have. Bring every single troop currently deployed back to US soil. Take 50% of the money that we save and let the Military spend it on continuing to develop military technology and weapons.  Take the other 50% and spend it domestically on social programs to help our citizens.  Meet with leaders from all communities and figure out how to spend this $ to maximize its effectiveness.

#2: End the war on drugs.  Abolish the DEA.  Take 100% of the money saved and spend it on drug treatment, & mental health treatment options.

#3: Government Project: Similar to the space race, we will issue a decree. The United States will get 100% of its power from renewable sources within the next 10 years.  The new power company that will be created as part of this will be government owned.  It will provide power to all citizens free of charge.  It will bill all businesses standard rates to pay for its operating expenses.

#4: All public school funding for each state will be divided evenly among ALL schools. Currently schools in wealthy neighborhoods have way more funding than schools in poor neighborhoods.  This is unjust, and it will end.

                A sub item of funding, all billing and office administrative tasks for all the small municipalities in every major city will go through 1 central billing office.  Every city in the US currently has 50+ small municipalities that have their own admin staff which creates excessive administrative bloat, and massive government waste.

#5: Updated Policing: The police will now operate like the fire department.  They will come when called, they will not give speeding tickets or patrol around “looking for fires”. If they are needed and wanted they will be called, when called specially trained units will be dispatched based on the type of 911 call. Our current model is broken, we should not be sending officers with guns to mental health welfare checks.