
Great Quote From A Good Friend

I’m going to share a great quote that my friend Travis and I crafted together a couple weekends ago while drinking a few (possibly too many) beers. The quote references the thought I constantly have about how I get my best work done between the hours of ~10:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.

Minds are like computers working on a network of consciousness. Whenever you are up very late or very early, the network is clear and its easier to distinguish your own thoughts as opposed to being flooded with the static of other minds on the network. Your most original and best thoughts are accessed during this time. – Travis & Sam

One reply on “Great Quote From A Good Friend”

[…] So its been a while since I can remember laughing so hard that I was actually crying, and it happened to me twice yesterday so I thought I would write both situations down so I could come back and reflect on them when future me was having a bad day. The first time was solely related to a work project, my business partner and I have been working extremely hard on a project and we made such an egregious error that we just stated laughing…. it was late at night, probably 1:30 so we were fully into our “power band” as I commonly refer to the time between 12:00 – 2:00 a.m. Anytime I am up working past 12:30 a.m. there really just seems to be a certain magic in the air…. I’ve talked in more detail about this in a prior post. […]

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