Samuel Thoughts

My Mom

My Mom is such a badass, and I really don’t stop enough to appreciate the influence she has had on me. This is just 1 story in a long line of badassity. 

Her father passed away a few years ago.  Before passing he spoke with her and her brother at length about what he wanted to do with his assets.  Due to an error by the company that managed his account, his assets were going to be dispersed incorrectly, totally against his wishes.  In addition to that, her older brother, the executor of her dads will, was just going to disperse the money even though he knew it wasn’t what his dad wanted. He was just going to cave because it was the easy path, and for some reason he does not have a badass bone in his body. Her brother plays live like Patrick Berglud played hockey, extremely soft.

Not my mom tho, instead of just rolling over and accepting it, she sued to stop the disbursement, even though this meant that she would almost surely get less $ because she would have to hire lawyers and prove that the company was in fact negligent with their handling of the will and the inventory they kept of her dads assets. All the while her brother the executor was fine with signing off on the whole thing, leaving my mom to go it totally alone, even though he lives in the state where the entire court case had to be handled, and my mom lives 4 states way.

It’s one thing to know a company is guilty, and a whole other thing to actually win in a lawsuit against that big company’s high powered lawyers. But she goes ahead and does it, the process takes more than 3 years and she just sticks with it, doesn’t back down.  She just found out that the investment company is calling a mediation, and is willing to settle plus pay her attorney fee because they know they are so at fault it’s not even worth their time to fully take the case to trial. 

Such a great example of doing the right thing, even when it might not be beneficial to yourself.  Also a great example of when you stay true to what you know is really right even if it’s not convenient for you, when you do that the universe can often reward you for it. Not every time.  Maybe not even most times.  But when you do the right, and honest thing and then the right and honest outcome happens, there is a deep sense of satisfaction with that. A deep sense of pride, I’m really proud of my mom for doing it.  I really have been so lucky to have gotten to learn, and get to continue learning, from my Mom. She has show me so many lessons of how to be a good person and how to live a honest meaningful life.

Life is so many ways is such a giant lottery. I’d like to thing that no matter what situation I was born into I would have fought my way to success. But my parents really put me in such a great position to succeed. I definitely hit the parents jackpot.