Fixing Stuff Samuel

Show Unread Emails In Primary Gmail Inbox

There was an annoying issue happening in my gmail inbox today, I had 4 unread messages but 3 of them ended up being very old and I could not find them easily. When I tried to find the unread emails in my gmail primary inbox I tried typing “filter: unread” in the top search box but that search included all of the unread emails in the promotions tab and the social tab which made it impossible to find the truly unread messages in my primary gmail inbox. To find just the primary inbox messages you can copy the code below into the search box at the top of the gmail page:

label:unread in:inbox -category:social -category:promotions -category:updates -category:forums

Once you copy that code above into the top search box in your gmail account, it will run and find only the unread messages in your primary gmail inbox. From there you can mark the individual messages as read or delete them, and if you are anything like me then your mail notifications icon will go away on your phone and you can get back to your regular life without being nagged by the little unread email icon every time you open your phone 🙂

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