
Simple Joys

Sometimes little things can really affect your day for the positive or the negative. I have written a list of simple activities that bring me enjoyment.  When you find yourself in a bad mood think of your list of simple joys and try to do one:

-running hot water over my hands

-taping my hockey stick

– Playing Hockey, Playing Golf, Lifting Weights, Biking

– Watching the Ryan Oreily summer workout Youtube video:

-speeding up so that one of those police signs on the side of the road stops showing your speed and just blinks (slow down)

– Doing an exotic Hill Jog real late at night

– Eating a legend club from legrands with a bag of billy goat chips and a twisted tea

– Watching the St. Louis Blues or St. Louis Cardinals play

-Watching construction workers build or tear down a building (watching a wrecking ball tear something down is an especially good treat)

-Watching anyone do a physical activity really well and really focused.

-Foam rolling with Hanna Corbin

– Vacuuming the floor, hearing all the little crummies get sucked up, and knowing that I won’t feel them on my socks later.

-being the first person to cross at a crosswalk and having everyone follow

-running on moving walkways (mainly the ones at the airport)

-looking up at the stars

-writing on this blog

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